Youth Employment and Job Creation Programs

TWA has a youth development program which focuses on livelihood improvement through a partnership with local and international actors.
TWA promote technological and social innovation and invests in the:-
- Capacity Development and Skills Improvement training in different business areas including:-
- Manual Drilling technologies for irrigation,
- Dairy milk processing,
- Hairdressing,
- Poultry production, Animal fattening and Petty trade,
- TWA organises and strengthens youths in the Self Help Group to run Income Generation Activities.
- We support them to have market linkage and access to Access to financial services.

Expected Results
- Change of Attitiude
- Skill gap fulfilling
- Capacity bulilding on Enterprunership and buisness skill
For more than 2000 youths in a pilot project to create self and wage employment.
For more than 2000 youths in a pilot project to create self and wage employment
Currently, we are working on employment Opportunities for 200 College/University Graduated Youth in DebreBrhan town in collaboration with local Industries, hotels and Potential Private Donors
TWA, in collaboration with Dr Rudolf (a potential expert from Germany), has identified the top priorities and needs of partners including the companies.
- SWOT analysis is already done
- A steering committee/task force is established and working on Shared responsibilities, and possible commitments of companies, hotels and local government offices.
What are the next steps?
From Our Gallary

Are looking for a partener to support Youth Employment Efforts in Ethiopia? we are more than happy to pave the way and to work with you!